Aerobic Conditioning (30:00) |
AMRAP 5: |
25 Overhead Squats (RX: 45/35) (SCALE: A) PVC Pipe — B) Front Squat — C) Goblet Squat — D) Air Squat) |
Max Cal Row |
AMRAP 5: |
50′ Walking Lunge (No Weight) (SCALE FOR Lunge — A) Reduce Distance — B) 16 Assisted Lunge — C) 16 Box Step Up) |
Max Cal Bike: |
AMRAP 5: |
600 M Run (SCALE: A) Reduce Distance — B) 12x 50′ Shuttle Run ~ Down & Back=1 — C) 50′ Shuttle Walk Until 3:00 Mark) |
*Rest remainder of 5:00 |
*Find a steady, conversational pace and hold it throughout the duration of the workout |
SCORE = Total Cals |