Circuit: (20:00) | |
A) Barbell RDL 3×6 @ 40-60% of Deadlift 1RM w/ :02 descent | |
B) Dumbbell Cuban Press 3×8 | |
C) Strict Toes to Bar 3×8 | |
METCON: (22:00) | |
3 rounds: | |
30/24 Cal Bike | |
4 Wall Walk | |
20 Alternating DB Snatch (RX: 50/35) | |
4 Wall Walk | |
3×5 Split Jerk OR Push Jerk (whichever is weaker) @ 65% (pause :01 in split position) | |
AMRAP 8: | |
10′ handstand walk | |
Half Piroutte | |
10′ Handstand walk backwards |