Strict Pulling Strength
Perform all of (A) and then all of (B)
A) 3 x 3-5 Weighted Strict Chin up or Pull up
B) 3 x 6-8 Barbell Bent Over Row
Every 3:00 x 7
200 m Run
3 Bar Muscle Ups (Scale A)3 jumping bar mu….B)5 Pull-ups…..C)7 Ring Rows
3 Unbroken Clean and Jerks
**start lighter weight and build…40% or 1RM start
Score = Last unbroken weight on the barbell
Additional Work
A)EMOM 5: 1-3 Ring Muscle Up or Ring MU transitions
B) 3×15 Cable Face Pull
C) 3×8-12 Bent Over Back Flies