Aerobic conditioning (40:00) —- Find a pace you can sustain and settle in |
7:00 Row for Calories at a sustainable Pace |
20 Box Step Ups (10 each) (RX: Knee Height) |
Run 1000 M |
—-REST UNTIL 20:00 MARK—- |
Then… at the 20:00 Mark |
7:00 Bike for Calories at a sustainable Pace |
20 Box Step Ups (10 each) (RX: Knee Height) |
Run 1000 M |
**SCORE= Total Time + Total Cals Combined on Bike & Row |
Coach Led Mobility: |
1:00 T-Spine Foam Roll |
1:00 Doorframe Stretch (each athlete in a squat rack) |
1:00 Couch Stretch (2:00 Total) |
1:00 ea leg — Pigeon Stretch (2:00 total) |
1:00 Squat Bottom Hold w/ Rig Assistance |
1:00 Pike Stretch |
1:00 Pancake Stretch |
20:00 Foam Roll and Mobility |