SUPERSET: Back Squat & Strict Pull Ups (20:00) |
A) Back Squat 4×5 @ 76% – 81% (RIR 4-5) |
B) Strict Weighted Pull Ups 4x 5, 6, 8, 8 |
*Goal is to warm up to a heavy set of 5, back off the weight 10% and do it for 6, back off the weight 10% and do it for 8) |
AMRAP 16: |
10 DB Goblet Squat (RX: 50/35) (ADV: Single Arm DB Overhead Squat (5 each Arm) |
3 Bar Muscle Ups |
25′ Single DB Walking Lunge (RX: 50/35) |
*Rest :30 |
A) Every 3:00 x 5 |
5-12 Chest to Bar Pull Ups + 10 Pistols + Steady Bike for Remaining Time |
B) Banded Mobility and Soft Tissue Work 20:00 |