Saturday May 27
Superset — As you warm up to working sets, alternate between 4 working sets of A and B (20:00) A) 4 x 6 Barbell Push Press (build) B) 4x 20 Russian KB Swings (as heavy as possible) METCON: (20:00) 15-12-9-6-3 Strict HSPU Power Snatch (RX: 75/55) (ADV: 95/65) *200 M Run after each round OPTIONAL
Lower Pulling Strength: (20:00 Clock) EMOM 8: (ATHLETE CHOICE) 2 Clean & Jerk from Floor (POWER OR SQUAT) STRAIGHT INTO… Clean Pulls (12:00) 3×3 @ 90% of Clean 1RM (RIR 2-3) METCON: (20:00) 5 Rounds: 30 Air Squat 20 Ab Mat Sit Ups 10 Pull Ups OPTIONAL ADDITIONAL WORK: A) Banded Mobility and Soft Tissue
Aerobic Base Development: (35:00) 1600 M Run Row 1000 / 800 100 Double Unders Row 1000 / 800 1600 M Run Coach Led Mobility (10:00) 1:00 T-Spine Foam Roll 1:00 Pike Stretch 1:00 Pancake Stretch 1:00 ea leg — Banded Hip Flexor Stretch (2:00 total) 1:00 ea arm — Banded Front Rack Stretch (2:00 total)
EMOM 8: (ATHLETE CHOICE) 2 Snatch from Floor (POWER OR SQUAT) Accessory EMOM 12: Min 1) 6-12 Ring Dips Min 2) 3 Snatch Pull @ 90% of Snatch 1rm Min 3) Handstand walk 50′ Min 4) REST METCON: (20:00) 5 Rounds: 16 / 13 Cal Row 12 Push Up 8 ring row 8 Push Up
Lower Pushing Strength (A & B) (20:00) A) Every :90 x 5 (7:30) Athlete Choice: Back Squat OR Front Squat OR Overhead Squat (build or stay same) *Do not go over 75% of 1rm for deload week (moderate load) After all squats are complete, perform… B) 3x 50′ Double DB Walking Lunge METCON: (20:00) 60
Upper Strength Superset A) Shoulder Press 1×5 @ 75% of 1RM (RIR 3-4) 1×3 @ 85% of 1RM (RIR 2-3) 1×1+ @ 95% of 1RM (RIR 1-2) B) Pull Ups OR Chin Ups 1×5, 1×6, 1×8 *Work to a very heavy, VERY CHALLENGING set of 5, with clean technique — Rest until recovered, then do
Lower Pulling Strength: (27:00 Clock) Every :90 x 6 (9:00) (ATHLETE CHOICE) 1 High Hang Hip Clean + 1 Hang Clean from Top of Knee+ 1 Clean from Floor + 1 Jerk (POWER OR SQUAT) **If going off percentages, should be around 75% – 85% (Moderately Heavy) STRAIGHT INTO… Deadlift (18:00) 1×5 @ 75% of
Aerobic Base Development: (35:00) 1600 M Run 60 Russian KB Swings (RX: 35/26) 800 M Run 60 Sit Ups (ADV: Medball Sit Up — Light Ball — EX: 10/8) 800 M Run 60 Box Step Ups (30 each leg) (RX: Box set to knee height) Coach Led Mobility (10:00) 1:00 T-Spine Foam Roll 1:00 Pike
Every :90 x 6 (9:00) (ATHLETE CHOICE) 1 High Hang Hip Snatch + 1 Hang Snatch from Top of Knee+ 1 Snatch from Floor (POWER OR SQUAT) **If going off percentages, should be around 75% – 85% (Moderately Heavy) Barbell Bench (15:00) 1×5 @ 75% of 1RM (RIR 3-4) 1×3 @ 85% of 1RM (RIR