Thursday 2/1/24
Aerobic Conditioning (40:00) 3 Rounds: 1000 M RUN 50 Double Unders 58/50 Cal Bike 50 Crossover Singles (ADV: 25 Crossover Double Under) *Find a steady, conversational pace and hold it throughout the duration of the workout
Aerobic Conditioning (40:00) 3 Rounds: 1000 M RUN 50 Double Unders 58/50 Cal Bike 50 Crossover Singles (ADV: 25 Crossover Double Under) *Find a steady, conversational pace and hold it throughout the duration of the workout
Posterior Chain Conditioning: (16:00) 8:00 to build to 40-50% of 1RM Deadlift OR a light to moderate weight THEN… Every 1:30 for 5 sets: (7:30) 10 Deadlift (RX: 40-50% of 1RM Deadlift but no more than 255/175) METCON (22:00) Core Conditioning EMOM 5:00 10 Toes to Bar (ADV: 12) Starting at the 5:00 mark –
Press & Seated Wall Slides (20:00) 15:00 Build to a Heavy set of 6 Strict Press During the 15:00, accumulate 3×10 Seated Wall Slides Then, 5:00 for 2×6 @ 90% of that set METCON (20:00) AMRAP 20: 6 Strict Handstand Push Up (ADV: Wall Facing SHSPU) 10 Single Arm DB Hang Snatch (RX: 50/35) (Switch
Back Squat (20:00) In 15:00, build to a heavy set of 6 on back squat Then, 5:00 for 2×6 @ 90% of that set METCON: (25:00) 3 Rounds: 16 Single Arm DB Overhead Lunge (8 each – switch hands every 8) (RX: 50/35) 15 Chest to Bar Pull Ups Rest 3:00 3 Rounds: 20 Wall
Clean & Jerk (15:00) For 15:00, build to 3×3 Clean & Jerk @ 65-70% of 1RM *Power or Squat METCON (24:00) 24 – 20 – 16 – 12 – 8 – 4 Push Ups Alternating Dumbbell Snatch (Athlete Choice On Weight) Starfish Crunch Alternating Single Dumbbell Step Back Lunge (Same weight as snatch) ADDITIONAL WORK:
Snatch & Squat (24:00) *Perform (A), then move into (B) For 12:00, build to 3×3 Snatches @ 65-70% of 1RM *Power or Squat Then… For 12:00, 3×5 Back Squat OR Front Squat OR Overhead Squat @ 65% of 1RM METCON (16:00) EMOM 16: Min 1) 6 Front Squats (Athlete Choice on Weight) Min 2) 12/9
Aerobic Conditioning (40:00) 3 Rounds: 800 M RUN — OR — 1000/850 M ROW 20 Side Laying Oblique Crunches (10 Ea. Side) 50/42 Cal Bike 20 Side Laying Oblique Crunches (10 Ea. Side) *Find a steady, conversational pace and hold it throughout the duration of the workout
Strength Work: (20:00) Alternate between movements: A) 3×6 Tempo Snatch Grip Barbell RDL (RIR 2-3) (TEMPO: 3 seconds down, 1 Second up) B) 3×20 Banded Pull Apart C) 3×12 Alternating Dumbbell Curl METCON (20:00) 15 – 12 – 9 – 6 – 3 Bar Facing Burpees Hang Power Cleans (*Athlete choice on weight — choose
Pushing Strength (20:00) complete all of (A), then perform (B) A) 3×6 TEMPO Dips (RIR 2-3) (TEMPO: 3 seconds down, 1 Second up) (Rings OR Bar Dips) B) 3×6 Tempo Arnold Press (RIR 2-3) (TEMPO: 3 seconds down, 1 Second up) METCON (15:00) AMRAP 15: 15/12 Cal Row 12 Toes to Bar 3 Wall Walks
Split Squat & Pull Superset (16:00) A) 3×6 Tempo Back Rack Bulgarian Split Squat (RIR 2-3) (TEMPO: 3 seconds down, 1 Second up) B) 3×6 – 8 Barbell Bent Over Row METCON: (21:00) Every 3:00 x 7 12 Wall Ball (RX: 20/14) (ADV: 11’/10′ Target) 9 Box Jump w/ Step Down (RX: 24/20) 6 Strict